Meet the Team
Staff, Volunteers, Mentors and Collaborators all Working Together
ArtHeart continues to shift its organizational model from being predominantly salary/employee-based to being predominantly volunteer-based. Funds raised support programs and projects with specific leadership, mentorship and overhead. This community asset-based model addresses long-term sustainability.

Cynthia Dolor-Butcher
Administrator and Programs Support

Timothy Svirklys
Youth Employment Coordinator and Food Coordinator

Sandi Wong
Lead Art Coordinator- Adults and Seniors

Ana Kuzmic-Garant
Co-Coordinator: Children’s, Youth & Family Arts, Co-Coordinator: Outreach

Jessy Kitchen
Co-Coordinator: Children’s, Youth & Family Arts, Co-Coordinator: Outreach
Our Board of Directors
One Vision
Sandi Wong
Charlotte MacNeil
Marie Desrochers
Berry (Bhairavei) Gnanamanogaran
Kerry O'Meara
Vice Chair
Aaron Critchly
Tania Uddin
Key Contributors
Working to Realize ArtHeart's Mission
Seanna Connell
Legacy-Program Coordinator
Paula Needham
Stewardship Coordinator
Sia Maras
Communications with Families
Matthew Trauzzi
2022 Volunteers
9 Participant Volunteers contributed 272 hours
19 Student Placements contributed 1680 hours
15 volunteers contributed: 823 hours
1 parent volunteer contributed 24 hours
8 Board Members volunteered 406 hours
6 staff volunteered approximately 163 hours
In all, 58 combined volunteers contributed approximately 3368 hours this year.
Thank you!